Taking Time to Tell a Story

Camilla Herbig, RAMHP Coordinator Western NSW

Witnessing the vulnerability, honesty, passion and courage of a fellow human’s experience is truly touching. It can be life-changing.

“Don’t waste your life like I did, just get help!”

Those words from 2014 still ring in my ears…

Experts and statistics can only teach us so much about mental health and challenges. Stories ignite something in all of us – a deeper empathy for the experience of others, recognition of our own challenges, renewed hope that help is out there, validation that you are not alone, the confidence to speak up, to share, support, or find help.

When I close my eyes, I can still picture that modest country hall, rows of chairs filled with a rugby league team of young men, unmistakably reluctant to be in the room. Their arms crossed, eyes downcast. As the evening unfolds their postures open, eyes lift and voices emerge.

Night after night as we travelled to similar settings across western NSW, I watched Wayne Wigham share his experience of playing elite rugby league through decades of struggles with his mental health.

And like clockwork, I watched these men open up, ask questions and share their own challenges.

Witnessing the vulnerability, honesty, passion and courage of a fellow human’s experience is truly touching. It can be life-changing. We all have a story.

Whether it be in public or in private, sharing can help others to recognise their struggles and reach out for support. Your power comes from the lessons learnt and actions taken in response to your challenges.

We sincerely thank our contributors for joining us in sharing their stories; experiences we are not taught how to navigate or overcome. Thank you for providing hope and inspiration to others.

As you read the experiences and lessons of our contributors, I encourage you to reflect on your own story; how this has shaped who you are.

Recognise the power you have in forging your path into the future. Your mindset, decisions and actions can be the biggest influencer in your wellbeing.

Obstacles and challenges will arise. Only you can control how you respond and who you choose to join you in your story.